"COVID-19 Layoffs" are people and a job board available since the start of the pandemic.

Covid-19 Layoffs

Portrait of the maker

Julia Lipton


Starter Stack
hours to build

3 things to know when building a no-code app with Glide

What did I learn:

1. Glide has a good ability to trigger a request to sign up when the user clicks on the favorite feature within the app. This is something that you dont often think about when looking to create an app. But is so key when measuring conversion in your product. If you are creating value, you need to think about how are you capturing value back? By triggering a sign up flow, when the user is wanting to a certain action in your app increases the chances of you retaining the user. Go check this out and experience it in the app.

2. Timestamp - this is a really great feature that I actually havent seen before. But the use case is when a company adds a job post, Glide timestamps that event and displays it into the app. So that if you are prospective job applicant, you can know that critical piece of information of how new or stale that job is. It appears this feaure is automated because it gives a stamp of time that is in seconds. Doubt someone would manually add that! Great use case of this feature and helpful in this scenario. Especially for a job board.

3. Adding your info to the site or adding your company to the site. One thing I am critical of with Glide is I do not like the limited functionality of the ability to add information to the app. In this app there is a button that is a "+" sign with no ability to add text to the CTA. To me this is not clear enough to the user what you are asking them to do. There are ways around this by putting buttons in the screen, but it is not as easy to do and more difficult to implement. Flexibility is lacking with this feature and I would like to see this change in the Glide app.

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