Silence is Compliance - database of charities, businesses, and educational resources supporting Black Lives Matter movement.

Silence is Compliance

Portrait of the maker

JT Esquibel


Mid level
hours to build

A Bubble app that uses filters and native forms

What is it:

Silence is Compliance - database of charities, businesses, and educational resources supporting Black Lives Matter movement.

What did I learn:

1. No-code tool feature: Bubble and the future of code -
In a recent interview from Bubble JT talks about using Bubble ( "While working in the tech space, I discovered no-code tools, which I thought were completely fascinating and represented the future of app building). So, I started using no-code platforms to build my personal projects and companies. And while I still code in other capacities, I love the process and speed of building applications on Bubble, where I can input custom code."

I think that JT has a great approach here. No-code is great for democratizing software creation. But if you do know how to code a combination of the two is a force to be reckoned with.

With no-code you can really take advantage of some of the things that don't build value in your product but are necessary to have like log in, or automating things or building an API/Webhook. What's more is its a great introduction into coding.

2. No-code tool feature: Bubble -
Why did JT choose Bubble?: "Of all the no-code solutions I have seen over the years, Bubble is the most customizable and streamlined in terms of getting a website at a custom domain up and running quickly. Other no-code tools' sites can look fairly similar, especially since many users build from the same templates. Bubble, on the other hand, allows you complete flexibility and freedom while still offering the functionality of a custom-built website."

Bubble may be overwhelming at first, but if you select an already pre-built template, then take video tutorials to learn about the parts of your template that you want to change you can get going quickly. Another great thing about this strategy is that you can then focus on building the core value prop of your app. I recommend this approach because instead of having to build an entire website from scratch, you can focus on building just one thing instead of everything. You'll want to get the feeling of success and accomplishment early so that you can get momentum and ship the thing that you want to make.

3. No-code tool feature: Bubble - using filters and forms in Bubble. JT uses a dynamic filter within one of his pages that allows a user to select information from a drop down. This works seamlessly. A big benefit of Bubble is that these type of integrations are built into the platform. With a no-code tool like Webflow, to get a comparable filterable option you would might need to invest with a tool like Jetboost is a great tool to use and I highly recommend it if you are going the Webflow route. However, integrating with components that are separate companies adds friction to the building process.

Bubble also has native forms that you can build so that they are within a page and are seamlessly integrated into your product. This allows you to connect directly to your product without any additional integration necessary. Use JT's product as a good demo to see what is possible with some fundamental features that you may need in your next project.

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