Create quotes & invoices super fast with a complete Airtable tool made for freelancers and small agencies.

Airtable Invoice Maker

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Pierre-Louis Labonne



It's very important to show the project to friends, family and anyone interested. They will see what you didn't spot! That was the biggest thing I learned.

Expert level
hours to build

Creating a digital service product with no-code tools

What is it:

Create quotes & invoices super fast with a complete Airtable tool made for freelancers and small agencies.

Maker Insight:

It's very important to show the project to friends, family and anyone interested. They will see what you didn't spot! That was the biggest thing I learned.

What did I learn:

This is a video about #174: Airtable Invoice Maker

14 Things I learned about creating a digital service product with Airtable.


02:00 Landing page - one of the most engaging landing pages for service product I've seen

Check out this case study of how to reduce friction in the buying process and allow your potential customers to try before you buy.

02:30 How to narrow your focus when you launch and struggle we all face when building a business.

03:45 - They say starting small is the key. But what kind of mental framework is helpful to think of HOW to do that?

07:00 Great marketing strategy for boring product. Why don't more products like this make their demo videos fun?

07:30 - How long does your demo video need to be to prevent people from bouncing out of it?

09:20 - What is the incentive to try this product? How do you as a product maker convert a paying customer? Check out this case study with demo, trying, heavy incentive and offer.

10:45 - A really good way to engage people to understand your product.

12:00 - Use analytics and hot jar to find what is it that your users are exploring to engage and potentially buy your product.

14:00 - Create a profile on Airtable Universe that advertises your Airtable product and also allows a beautiful demo screen

15:00 When asking your customers to purchase something that interrupts their workflow, what is the best way to reduce their hesitancy to purchase?

17:00 - Thoughts on how to add more value to your product by reducing steps and total number of tools to do something.

19:00 - Try before you buy. If you are giving a free version of your product - set traps and easy ways for your users to try out how they can get additional value from your app. Make it super easy to discover.

21:00 - What are the best payment processors for selling an Airtable or Notion digital product? Not Gumroad.

22:00 - What does your product compete against that the user is already using? Make sure to call that comparison out so that I know why this is better than what I am currently using.

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